Breach of Contract Attorneys in Denver, CO
When you sign a contract, you agree to perform a specific duty or face potential legal consequences. Most people understand the importance of such an agreement and uphold their end of the bargain. This is what makes it so frustrating when one party of a contract fails to follow through. If you’re lucky, this creates no bigger hassle than simply finding someone else to perform the duty. However, many of these violations end up causing significant losses to others in the agreement. If someone has failed to fulfill their obligation, you may benefit from speaking to a breach of contract lawyer in Denver, CO.
At Ragab Law Firm, P.C., we understand that an unfulfilled contract can lead to actual damages. In some cases, this means you’re losing money or other real property. There are also some instances, however, where significant disruption to an individual’s life can occur. Regardless of the outcome, breach of contract claims can help you recover damages. This would even be the case if you suffered no actual losses. Contact us today for a free case evaluation to learn more about your rights and what you may be entitled to under the law.
What Is a Breach of Contract?
A breach of contract is a civil law violation that occurs when one or more parties to an agreed-upon contract do not uphold their obligations. A breach can also occur if a party interferes with another party’s performance of their contractual duty. Such violations encompass a wide array of legal practice areas. For instance, an employment contract, intellectual property licensing agreement, and even an oral agreement of any kind will fall under contract law. While oral contracts may be more difficult to prove, they’re still completely valid under Colorado law.
A breach of contract can occur in a variety of ways. The most common examples include situations where one party simply doesn’t fulfill the entirety of their obligation under the contract. A breach claim can also be brought forward if a party to the contract does not act in good faith, and it becomes clear they have no intention of fulfilling their duty. It also constitutes a breach when a contract can no longer be performed due to the actions of the other party. When someone completely fails in their obligation, it is known as a material breach and justifies the filing of a contract claim in court.
What Are the Consequences of a Breach of Contract?
If you have a valid breach of contract claim, there are several ways you may be reimbursed. The breach must be remedied by the guilty party. Of course, not every remedy is appropriate in every situation. In some instances, a breach of contract case is made simple because the potential remedies are listed right in the agreement. Unfortunately, there’s no guarantee that a party that doesn’t fulfill its initial obligations will abide by this portion of the contract either. If a case involving an existing contract goes to court, though, the following remedies are common:
- Damages: If a party violates a contract, they may have to pay monetary damages. These are often in the form of compensatory damages. This means an aggrieved party must be fully compensated for all Punitive damages could also be used to punish the defendant, and nominal damages may be awarded even if there was no monetary loss.
- Specific performance: The entire purpose of a contract is for two or more parties to have an agreement regarding the distinct duties they each have. However, a breach of contract does not remove such responsibilities. Courts often order defendants to abide by the original terms of a contract — also known as specific performance of the agreed-upon obligations.
- Contract cancellation and restitution: Contacts may be canceled in court, but this can also happen without going to trial. It’s often the case that a contract dictates what happens when a party breaches the agreement. By paying a fee to the other party of the contract, the violating party will no longer be legally bound.
In some situations, certain remedies may not be possible. For instance, specific performance requirements may not be feasible if a company fails to perform work because it went out of business. Regardless of the specifics of your contract claim, however, a breach of contract attorney in Denver may be able to help.
Do I Need a Breach of Contract Attorney?
There are many nuanced areas of the legal system, but there are instances in a contract dispute where the law is clear. If someone fails to uphold their contractual obligations, it’s easy to conclude that you have a “slam dunk” case on your hands. In such a situation, couldn’t you forego the legal fees of hiring contract lawyers and represent yourself in court? This is certainly an available option, but going this route could turn very costly.
That’s because a breaching party will often claim that other signors did not engage in fair dealing either. They could also say that they actually did uphold their part of the agreement, or they might claim that they took reasonable steps to fulfill their obligations but your actions hindered them. In the end, arguing your case in court can cost a lot of time and money. This is especially if the defendant tries to drag things out. And if they have a lawyer on their side, you’ll encounter even bigger problems.
Statistics show that those who have legal representation fare better than their non-represented counterparts. A breach of contract attorney can help you understand what’s required of you (e.g., informing the other party of their breach), send cease and desist letters, negotiate a settlement, and even take your case to court if necessary for the desired outcome. If you have an enforceable contract, you have a right to what the other party promised — or to be reimbursed for the troubles their actions caused.
Contact a Breach of Contract Lawyer in Denver, CO Today
Contract disputes can cause significant burdens when one party fails to honor their agreement. Unfortunately, it’s rarely as simple as just ending a business or professional relationship and moving on. In many cases, a breach of contract can lead to significant losses and even interfere with other parties’ rights. Before you file a contract lawsuit, however, it’s important to seek out legal advice. Even if a valid contract exists and it’s clear that one party is in violation, the complexity of Colorado law makes speaking with an employment attorney prior to litigation a wise choice.
At Ragab Law Firm, P.C., we’ve been helping clients deal with contract breaches of all kinds for years. With over 40 years of combined experience, our practice has the knowledge and background to help you secure the best possible outcome in your case. In many instances, we may even be able to help you correct a contract breach without ever stepping into a courtroom. Contact us today by calling 303-557-2011 to schedule a Free Case Evaluation. With a breach of contract lawyer in Denver on your side, you’ll be in a far better position to hold the other party responsible for violating your agreement.