Sexual Harassment Lawyers in Denver Protecting Your Rights
According to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, “It is unlawful to harass a person (an applicant or employee) because of that person’s sex. Harassment can include sexual harassment or unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical harassment of a sexual nature. Harassment does not have to be of a sexual nature, however, and can include offensive remarks about a person’s sex. For example, it is illegal to harass a woman by making offensive comments about women in general. Both the victim and the harasser can be either a woman or a man, and the victim and harasser can be of the same sex.
Can I Sue for Sexual Harassment?
If you feel that you are the victim of sexual stereotyping, sexual harassment, or sexual discrimination, you need to seek legal advice. Ask for a Free Case Evaluation with a sexual harassment attorney who can advise you on your options and legal rights under state and federal law. As a victim of sexual harassment, you may be eligible to collect punitive damages and recover attorney fees.
No one deserves the emotional distress of laboring in an offensive work environment. Also, the law prevents employers from acts of retaliation against victims who file sexual harassment or discrimination claims or lawsuits. Sexual harassment is against the law at the federal level, and victims subjected to sexual harassment may suffer economic injury and can recover damages and lost wages from the harasser.
Although it might not seem so when you check out the news or social media, gender discrimination affects not only women. Men also may be a victim of discrimination. In addition, those who identify as transgender or have self-identification status may be subjected to discrimination and harassment and become victims of sexual harassment.
How Does Sexual Harassment Happen?
Occasional teasing is not necessarily banned. For example, offhand comments or isolated actions that are not serious generally will not result in a sexual harassment complaint. However, such incidents may become severe or increasingly frequent or involve employment action that negatively affects the victim and creates an offensive or even hostile work environment. Adverse employment decisions like termination or demotion are examples of harassment in the workplace.
Specific Examples of Sexual Harassment
The person or persons sexually harassing the victim may be a direct (or indirect) supervisor, a co-worker, or even a non-employee, such as a client or a customer. Below is a short, non-inclusive list of the many forms of actions against the person harassed that can be construed as sexual harassment:
- Unwanted sexual touching
- Unwelcome sexual conduct
- Sexual rumors
- Sexual jokes
- Sexual propositions
- Derogatory comments
- Employment opportunities
- Disciplinary action
- Sexual comments
- Sexual orientation
- Gender identity discrimination
- Unwanted sexual advances
An employer must follow the law, provide safe and secure employment, and prevent sexual discrimination or sexual harassment. If you have been a victim of any of these situations or other forms of sexual harassment in the workplace, you should contact a sexual harassment or sex discrimination lawyer and ask for a Free Case Evaluation.
Our Sexual Harassment Lawyers Are There to Give You Legal Advice and Represent You in Sexual Harassment Cases
The attorney-client relationship is especially important in sexual harassment cases. As a victim of sexual harassment, you need to feel comfortable discussing with your law firm the details of how you were harassed. Some of these discussions can reflect on specific events of a very personal nature.
We Understand and Respect the Personal Nature of Your Harassment Claims
We understand and respect the difficulty of discussing such sensitive details regarding working in a hostile environment. You may have possibly suffered unwanted comments, touching, sexual gestures, or shown explicit photographs, and talking about such verbal or physical conduct can be difficult or painful.
For example, quid pro quo harassment involves offering (or threatening) promotion opportunities or employment consequences in return for a sexual favor/s. Surviving in a hostile work environment is not easy, and neither is reliving it by elaborating on the details with your attorney for employment charges.
Anything you discuss with your sexual harassment attorney is confidential unless you give specific permission for release for its use. This even applies to a Free Case Evaluation.
Contact Us to Learn More About the Process
Get the support you need in today’s legal arena. We are a modern law firm serving the Denver area that will fight to achieve remarkable results for our sexual harassment clients. Our experienced team of sexual harassment attorneys is ready to help you obtain a fair settlement. We can discuss your legal questions regarding any insurance aspects, economic damages, and maximum compensation.
At Ragab Law Firm, P.C., our team of experienced sexual harassment attorneys is ready to diligently advise and represent you in achieving justice. Contact us today at 303-557-2011 to schedule a free case evaluation.