Retaliation Lawyers in Denver Helping You Get Your Job Back, Recover Compensation After Unlawful Retaliation
Workplace discrimination and unfair treatment by an employer due to race, sex, age, color, religious beliefs, national origin, and sexual orientation are some of the primary issues facing employees today. Discrimination claims have increased by nearly 200 percent in Colorado workplaces in the last two years alone, and employer retaliation claims top the list as the number one dispute.
When these issues are present, employees have the right to challenge a hostile work environment or poor workplace behavior that supports wrongful termination, age discrimination, or unlawful retaliation, as a result.
Retaliation is the response from an employer when an employee files a complaint and it results in an adverse employment reaction. Workplace retaliation occurs when an employer punishes an employee for protected activities under the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and reacts with demotions, discipline, wrongful termination, salary reduction, or job or shift reassignment, among other disciplinary actions.
Workplace retaliation is personal and infringes on protected activity and the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which was designed to protect individuals from retaliatory hiring, retaining, or firing practices. If you’re faced with a viable retaliation claim, don’t let your employer’s adverse employment action dictate your life and career.
Our employment attorneys with Ragab Law Firm, P.C. understand employment law and can quickly determine if you have a retaliation case when you call: 303-557-2011.
What is Retaliating?
Workplace retaliation is any action taken by your employer that harms or threatens you and your job security after filing a complaint to report discrimination or other poor workplace behavior.
Employers might engage in adverse employment action with unlawful retaliation. Filing a complaint is considered protected activity and the EEOC, per federal and state law, prohibits retaliation of any kind.
Retaliation might be subtle or obvious and can be disguised as several things. Examples could include:
- Termination
- Demotion
- Salary reduction
- Assigning difficult or unpleasant work duties
- Unwarranted disciplinary measures
- Negative performance evaluations
- Giving a negative reference
Any sudden or suspicious change from your employer after filing a complaint might warrant our legal counsel as it might be considered retaliating. As we’ve seen several retaliation and workplace discrimination cases, we can be the non-biased perspective you need so as not to exacerbate the situation and determine the best course of action to protect your rights and move forward with confidence and reassurance.
We fight for employees who face discriminatory backlash and help employers litigate retaliatory disputes. Book a free case evaluation today to see how we can help with your claim: 303-557-2011.
What Happens When an Employer Retaliates Against Me?
Employees are free to exercise their freedom and rights and report discrimination that’s free of adverse employment action as complaints are protected activity. Retaliation is a serious legal issue and state and federal law prohibit retaliation of any kind under the Employment Act.
Employers often use retaliatory means out of anger and control when an employee files a complaint at work they might not agree with. This is especially the case if the complaint is against the manager. Retaliation claims are the number one discrimination case reported in court.
If you’ve been excluded or intentionally left out, re-assigned to a job that’s outside of your wheelhouse, passed over for a promotion and hours or pay cut, or you’ve been fired, your employer might be using retaliatory behavior to force you out.
Adverse employment action, as a result of reporting discrimination, causes uncomfortable working conditions, impacts employee morale and job satisfaction, hinders productivity and creates emotional distress, discomfort, and trauma.
When an employer retaliates against you, you have options to protect yourself and also the means to get your job back, or recover lost wages, if you were illegally terminated or disciplined after filing a claim.
You can learn more about your rights as an employee or utilize our employment law expertise if you’re a business fighting wrongful retaliation claims. Book a free case evaluation today: 303-557-2011.
How Can a Retaliation Lawyer Help Me?
In response to workplace retaliation, you can count on Ragab Law Firm, P.C. and our skilled team of employment attorneys with experience in a variety of employment law matters, including workplace discrimination issues, and retaliation cases where adverse employment action is present.
Employers that threaten your job and use negative actions and discipline to punish you for reporting discrimination or exercising other rights to report issues in the workplace, must face the consequences of discriminatory action.
When workplace retaliation is disrupting your job and performance, or you’ve experienced wrongful termination, our employment attorneys with Ragab Law Firm, P.C. can help:
- Get your job back
- Recoup any lost pay and wages
- Recover damages for emotional stress
- Receive punitive damages, depending on the case
We look at all of the facts and evidence and also consider how a judge or jury might perceive you, based on the specific circumstances. No stone will be left unturned as we make a case for your employer’s wrongdoing.
If you’re an employee, you don’t have to be a victim of workplace retaliation when you call our team of lawyers. Book a free case evaluation and learn more about your rights, the applicable laws, and potential options for resolving your claim: 303-557-2011.
See if You Have a Retaliation Claim Today
Discriminatory behavior should not win. Not all workplace behavior is illegal and warrants legal action, though if you are experiencing a retaliatory environment or your boss is engaging in negative behavior, you should consider contacting an attorney to learn about your rights.
Jokes, offensive comments and questions, harassment, and denied promotions and benefits, because of a person’s background, can impact an employee’s well-being, productivity, and job satisfaction and in some cases, results in lost compensation.
Title VII and its anti-retaliation provision make it illegal for employers to take adverse action against other employees. If you have reasonable belief discriminatory action has been taken against you, our employment law attorneys will investigate.
To build an effective claim in good faith, our team of experienced employment lawyers examine several factors in a viable retaliation claim in order to influence a positive outcome for you, including possible emotional distress damages, and compensation, as well as punitive damages.
Adversely, with experience in a variety of workplace retaliation situations and retaliation cases, we also help employers navigate tough retaliation claims and leverage our litigation expertise to effectively work through disputes.
If you have raised concerns about wrongdoing in the workplace, reported incidences of harassment or discrimination, or filed a charge with the EEOC or with the Colorado Civil Rights Division, you should not have to tolerate repercussions. Book a Free Case Evaluation with Ragab Law Firm, P.C. today and discover potential solutions for your claim at 303-557-2011.